Felicity Lawrence wrote:
>The problem occurs when we view our sample with our 60x Pl Apo objective 1.4
>oil (LEICA lens).  The image becomes non-existent or ghost-like.  A pale
>"shadow" only is seen, with no detail visible at all....
We have the same problem with our Leica plan apo 63x/1.4 oil lens. The
explanations is that this lens is not UV transparent. Leica has solved this
problem and they now offer also a UV transparent plan apo 63/1.4 oil lens.
Hope this helps,
Sepp D. Kohlwein
Sepp D. Kohlwein
Genetics and Molecular Biology Group
Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry
Technical University Graz                    phone:  ++43 (316) 873-6456
Petersgasse 12                                 fax:  ++43 (316) 873-6952
A 8010 Graz, Austria            e-mail [log in to unmask]