Have you tried Aldus Fetch? We use it off and on, although not to deal with the
volume of data you are describing. It's a Mac program that does thumbnails,
pretty good searches, and sees remote volumes provided they can be accessed via
Appleshare. The archiving process is painfully slow, so you will likely leave
it cranking overnight to get things going.
Regards, Matt Chestnut
On Oct 19,  8:36am, Simon Watkins wrote:
> Subject: Databasing images:
> -- [ From: Simon Watkins * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --
> Hi Folks
> We have struggled and managed to find a solution to the "bulk image storage
> problem" that plagues us all. Using a mix of large servers and compact discs
> (with a juke box) we are able to manage data that accrues at about a
> gigabyte a week.  However,  I am unable to find a descent way of cataloging
> these images, Programs such a HiJack or graphics workshop provide thumbnails
> for local stuff but do not allow for network archived CD's.  We would be
> happy to perform some manual cataloging of where stuff is,  though the
> thumbnail image associated with the location is imperative.
> I would appreciate solutions, I will catalog responses and repost a digested
> list,
> By the way the platform does not matter (PC, Mac or SGI)
> Look forward to hearing from you all
> --
> -----------------------------------------------
> Simon Watkins
> Asst Professor
> Director, Structural Biology Imaging Center
> University of Pittsburgh
> Pittsburgh PA 15261 USA
> Tel:412-648-3051
> Fax:412-648-8330
> -----------------------------------------------
>-- End of excerpt from Simon Watkins
Matthew H. Chestnut, Ph.D.
email:  [log in to unmask]
phone:  513 627 1268
FAX:    513 627 1233