Hi everybody.
I want to look at fibres both in the native state and following contact with
water.  Since I need to examine the same portion of the fibre to determine
the extent (percentage) of swelling, changes, deformation, etc, it becomes
important not to change the position of the fibre.  We have an inverted
scope and need to look at the fibres using the 63x oil objective.
I am toying with the idea of sealing our coverslips with silastic or
perphaps vasoline.  Hopefully this will prevent the coverslips falling off
or moving when in contact with the immersion oil.  Also, it will permit us
to introduce water into the system (via a needle).
Does anyone have any other comments or suggestions to make?  Am I
approaching my problem from the right direction?  Does anybody else
routinely study fibres in air and water environments?
Felicity Lawrence
Analytical Electron Microscopy Facility
Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, Australia
Ph  :  +61 7 3864 2557
Fax :  +61 7 3864 5100
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