An alternative to Mol. Probes beads are those from other companies. They
can be much cheaper at times, and provide quite a bit more information
about the homogeneity (or not) of the beads you buy. There are two
companies that specialize in the beads, but I could only dredge up one
of them (the other is buried somewhere around here and refers to a
company named Interfacial Sciences or something similar in the West USA).
Sorry to be inconclusive, but here is the other alternative...
Bangs Laboratories
979 Keystone Way
Carmel, IN 46032-2823
        email: [log in to unmask]
Hope this helps. Bon chance. Chip
  Chip Montrose
   Johns Hopkins University     tel: 410-955-9681
    Ross 930                      FAX: (410) 955-9677
     720 Rutland Avenue            email: [log in to unmask]
      Baltimore, MD 21205