Hi Everyone,
Just a message to announce that I have finally put up a Web page related to
creating animations for the Web (or for viewing on your own machines!) which
covers all major platforms: PC, Mac and SGI/Unix.
Please check it out at:
I hope that this will be of use to some of you who wish to create animations
of your imaging data, with little (or no) monetary investment.
If you have any comments (good or bad!) about these pages, please drop me a
Kind Regards,
P.S. I have also updated the page on which I provide links to several sites
with confocal microscopy images and animations on the Web:
If your site has images/animations and is not listed in the table, let me know
and I will add the necessary links.
Lance Ladic
Dept. of Physiology
University of B.C.
Vancouver, Canada
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