I disagree with Dr. Bluestein, I'm interested in seeing the replys to many
of the questions that are posed on this list. I learn a lot of useful
iinformation from reading them. After all, it's nnot that hard to hit the
delete key for the messages you don't want to see.
Steve Kempf Faculty
Director Auburn University Confocal Facility
 [log in to unmask]
On Thu, 25 Jan 1996, Bluestein, Danny wrote:  > To all recipients of the
Confocal list:  > Although I am new to this list, I feel obliged to send
this message to > all recipients of the list. When somebody sends an
inquiry to multiple > recipients it makes sense to do so, but when you
reply to such an > inquiry, DO NOT USE THE REPLY FUNCTION of your e-mail
software. Doing so > results in the multiple recipients of the list
constantly receiving piles > of mail messages they are not interested in
receiving, decreasing the > signal/noise ratio of this discussion group to
unbearable levels.  > Please be advised to answer the individual inquiry
directly to this > individual's e-mail (yes, you'll have to copy his
e-mail address and > write to the individual personally).  > Thanks in
advance for your cooperation, > Dr. Danny Bluestein