Dear Sirs,
We are writing to inform you about the urgent need of our Department
of Membrane Ion Channels at the Institute of Biophysics of some
equipment for a new biochemical laboratory.
Therefore we would like to ask you for your kind assistance.
We would be very grateful if it is possible for you to provide us
with some of the following apparatuses and devices, if they are
already out of use, out-of-date and/or discarded in your labs, but
still in proper working condition:
    magnetic and hot plate stirrers
    dissolved oxygen meter
    pH meter
    peristaltic pumps
    flatbed X-Y recorders (2 to 6 channels) or 250 mm vertical face
    variable speed shakers
    spectrophotometers UV-visible
    water purification system
    digital balances
    immersion circulators
    selectable speed microcentrifuges
    compact chromatographs and accessories
    HPLC detector
    automatic sampler
    fraction collector with peak separator
    gamma/beta counter (solid phase)
    mini electrophoresis cells
    gel dryer
You can contact Dr. Dessislava B. Duridanova, at
[log in to unmask] or fax No +(3592)-730-385.
We are much obliged to your kind attention.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Yours sincerely,
    Prof. Kiril K. Boev, DSci
    Head of the Institute of Biophysics
Please contact:
Dr D. B. Duridanova
Department of Membrane Ion Channels
Institute of Biophysics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. Gerogi Bonchev str, bl.21
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
tel (3592)-713-2630, FAX (3592)-730-385
e-mail: [log in to unmask]