I know that this question was discussed two years ago on this list, but I
wonder if any updated ideas are now available.
We need to use volume rendering software (in our case, VoxelView on an SGI),
to reconstruct pathologic lesions which have already been microtomed to their
glass slides.  We want to digitize the individual slides using a Nikon/Kodak
DCS420 digital camera on a microscope connected to a PowerMacintosh.
Collect the images, then comes the problem.... Rotating and Translating the
images to re-register (line them up) in the z-axis.  A classic problem.
We even have done one with fiducial points to help get the technique down,
before we move on to more difficult samples.
IDEALLY, I would like to hold one slice image on the screen, then bring
the next one in the stack up on the screen to overlay the first image, then use
the mouse to rotate and translate, then "lock" it down when aligned...and so on.
Probably a pipe dream.
I have heard that a program called "IP Lab" by Signal Analytics Corp. had
some capability to do this.  Has anyone tried that?
Has anyone else solved the problem of re-registration of histologic specimens?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts and comments.
- Charlie
CAPT A. Charles Richardson, DC, USN    | "Almost anything you do will
Naval Dental Research Inst. Detachment |     be insignificant,
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