...>My personal views on the future of the Mac OS aside, I will limit myself to
>saying that getting an image processing program for the IBM that is
>equivalent to NIH-Image (Freeware) will cost you easily five figures (well,
>unless you run NIH-Image in Mac OS emulation mode on the IBM).
>Charles Thomas
I agree NIH-Image is great and has a big user base but has anybody who has
used both  NIH Image and the Windows 95 based ImageTool feel like comparing
the two.  I have learned to appreciate Macs and I think they will be around
for a long time but the bottom line is that even with academic pricing, you
can get a more powerful PC (RAM/monitor/etc) than Mac for the same bucks.
Thomas E. Phillips, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
Director, Molecular Cytology Core Facility
3 Tucker Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211
(314)-882-4712 (voice)
(314)-882-0123 (fax)