Dear confocalists,
Is anyone of you using the PDMI-2 fixing platform for the Leica IRBE
inverted microscope? A few days ago I received this piece of nicely
black anodized metal from Digitimer, who sells this device from
Medical Systems Corp. The PDMI-2 perfusion chamber fits snugly in the
space provided in the platform, but I can't figure out how to mount
the assembly (PDMI-2 plus fixing platform) on the microscope stage.
Apparently it's not as straightforward as one would like it to be,
because even the distributors couldn't tell me how to do it.
Any suggestions?
Peter H.M. Klaren                               phone: +44 114 2824633
Department of Biomedical Science                  fax: +44 114 2765413
University of Sheffield
Western Bank
Sheffield S10 2TN