Can I have a copy please?
>MicroWorld News is an e-mail newsletter for microscopists and
>microanalysts.  It contains information on all types of microscopy
>resources on the WWW, news, meetings, shortcourses, and products and
>services.  Contributions are welcomed.
>MicroWorld News is published 6 times a year and is around 6 pages long.  If
>you would like to receive the January 31 edition, please return this
>Thank you
>Susanne Pignolet Brandom, Ph.D.
>MC Services
>MicroWorld Resources and News
>[log in to unmask]
 Greg Erdos                                          Phone: 352-392-1295
 Scientific Director,
 ICBR Electron Microscopy Core Lab
 218 Carr Hall                                       Fax: 352-846-0251
 University of Florida                        E-mail: [log in to unmask]
 Gainesville, FL 32611