At 12:15 PM 1/25/96 -0700, you wrote:
>   We are about to try the fluorolink Cy5 kit. Have you used these? Are
>they as simple to use as the instruction imply? Do you have any
>suggestions before we start?
>   Thanks,
We have used the fluorolink cy3 kit. It was easy to use as described. We
started with synthetic substance P (11 amino acids) which showed a single
peak by HPLC. We put the product through an HPLC and found there were many
fluorescent peaks. We selected the peak corresponding to our expected
molecular mass and had good success. Mass spec analysis confirmed that the
dye had bound to only one sight on our molecule. I would recommend HPLC
separation and analysis to be confident that the fluorescent mixture you use
contains only your molecule of interest.
Dr. Bridget Southwell
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
University of Melbourne
Parkville Vic 3052
Tel: +61 3 9344-7646 Fax: +61 3 9347-5219