Il y a plein de litterature a ce sujet: en particulier recemment
dans Journal of Microscopy numero de Mars 1996, Cytometry Fevrier/Mars 1996.
Il y a egalement les articles de Jean-Paul Rigaut dans Journal of
Microscopy, Analytical quantitative cytology and Histology (Rigaut & Vassy,
1991,Anal.Quant. Cytol. Histol. 13:223-232).
Voici egalement quelque references concernant notre travail.
Parazza F., Humbert C., Usson Y., Method for 3D volumetric analysis of
intranuclear fluorescence
distribution in confocal microscopy, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics,
1993, 17 (3):
Usson Y., Parazza F., Jouk P.-S., Michalowicz G., Method for the study of the
orientation of the nuclei of myocardial cells in fetal human heart by means of
confocal scanning
laser microscopy, Journal of Microscopy, 1994, 174: 101-110.
Parazza F., Bertin E., Wozniak Z., Usson Y., Analysis of the spatial
distribution of AgNOR
proteins in cell nuclei using simultaneous confocal scanning laser fluorescence
and transmitted
light microscopy, Journal of Microscopy, 1995, 178 (3): 251-260.
Wozniak Z.M., Usson Y., Parazza F., Champelovier P., Leroux D., Seigneurin D.,
analysis of three-dimensional distribution of AgNOR proteins during interphase
in leukemic cells,
Cytometry, 1996, 24:14-26.