Dear Subscribers,
        I am new to this listserver, so I apologize in advance for anyone
I may offend....
        I have been using a Biorad Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope in
order to characterize the 3D morphology of a polymer.  I have had
excellent results (good sequences of 2D images, separated by ~3
microns).  Unfortunately, the system I never bought the very expensive
rendering/reconstruction software.  I have manually digitzed the 2D
slices and imported and rendered the images in AutoCad to prove that this
is useful information, but it is very time intensive, and limited.
        I figure that this is trivial to most of you out there, but I
would really appreciate any advice...  I will post a summary.
        Is there an archive on this?
Thanks in advance!
Kim Dwyer
        Kimberly A. Dwyer, M.S.         Clinical Mechanics Group
        [log in to unmask]             Mechanical Engineering
                Queen's University, Kingston, Canada