Has anyone else noticed an increased frequency of mercury bulb explosions.
Having been told it never happens we have had two in the last 5 months and a
lab in a neighbouring hospital has had one, the last two within a week of
each other.
All the bulbs exploded within their lifespan (180 hrs, 180hrs  and 80hrs)
and were treated properly ie only switched on once a day and left running as
long as possible.
Does anyone know another source of bulbs - these were Osram 100W and 50W bulbs.
If you don't want to bore the list within another long discussion on bulbs
please e-mail responses.
Elaine Levy
Elaine Levy PhD
Cytogenetics Group
Wellcome Trust Centre For Human Genetics
Windmill Rd.,
Oxford OX3 7BN
tel 01865 740022
fax 01865 742186
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