-- [ From: Roland Nitschke * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

I recently compared the Fuji Pictography 3000 with the Kodak 8650 PS (48 MB)
. Both give very good printouts, the Fuji is certainly a little bit better,
but is around double of the price (15000,- DM compared to 33.000,- DM). The
price for a printout and the printout speed is in most cases comparable. I
bought the Kodak as the Fuji, in addition to the price it also needs someone
how takes care of the water filter and some other things routinely.

Nitschke, Roland Dr.
Institute of Physiology
D-79104 Freiburg
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
phone: 761-2035172
fax: 761-2035191