> >     Tim Gomez recently asked about 4D macros for SOM/MPL.  A small
> >     selection of such macros are available from Bio-Rad.  Just send a
> >     request directly to me and I'll be pleased to forward them.
> >
> Couldn't these be put on a Web page or FTP server somewhere so that
> all could access them?  I could certainly supply ftp server space if
> required.
>                                         Guy Cox

I would be happy to put them onto my web page.
Aryeh Weiss                          | email: [log in to unmask]
Department of Electronics            | URL:   http://optics.jct.ac.il/~aryeh
Jerusalem College of Technology      | phone: 972-2-6751146
POB 16031                            | FAX:   972-2-6422075
Jerusalem, Israel                    | ham radio: 4X1PB/KA1PB