Please respond specifically if you can, and am not looking for a sale pitch:
1) Commercially confocal models out there
2) Differences between the top brands, names, prices
3) Realibility based on use, repair record and technical assitance
4) Would you buy again the model you are using now and why.

Very much appreciate.  I will request quotes from several vendors to apply for
money to purchase a confocal.

       ________   ___________
      / ______/  / _________/  Cesar Danilo Fermin, Ph.D.
     / /        / /            Professor of Pathology & Otolaryngology
    / /        / /_____
   / \______  / ______/     Fax 504 587-7389 & Voice 584-2521
  /________/ / /         Internet: [log in to unmask]
 /_______  \/_/
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 |________ /    Disclaimer: Whatever... is not Tulane's opinion!