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Sender: Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
From: Chris Young <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 08:07:29 -0500
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Reply-To: Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
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Call for applications

Teaching Fellow in Ethics and Agricultural Biotechnology
Iowa State University

The Bioethics Program at Iowa State University (ISU) will support a
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow interested in devoting a year or more in
residence at ISU to teaching about, and conducting research in, ethics and
agricultural biotechnology, and to developing curriculum materials for
educators of high school students and non-university adults.  By
"agricultural biotechnology" we intend a wide rather than restricted subject
matter. We would like to support a teacher concerned with normative issues
associated with the genetic manipulation of human foods; or other plants or
microrganisms; or companion, research, or production animals; and so on.

The Fellow will:
Ø Teach two sections, one per semester, of "Ethical Theory and Practice," an
introductory level course in the ISU Philosophy and Religious Studies
Ø Develop curricular materials suitable for discussing bioethics with high
school and non-university adult audiences;
Ø Train educators to incorporate discussions of bioethics into their classes
and programs;
Ø Conduct and publish research on issues in ethics and agricultural
Ø Submit an article to a refereed journal at the end of the year, describing
either the Fellow's research or the curriculum development project, and
acknowledging the sources of support (the ISU Bioethics Program,
Biotechnology Program, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture).

The Fellow will spend 70 percent of their time on teaching and curriculum
responsibilities, and 30 percent on research. There are no additional
departmental duties or committee assignments.

The Fellow is welcome to participate in other activities of the ISU
Bioethics Program, including seminars, colloquia, and public lectures. In
addition, the Fellow will be provided with an office, modest secretarial
support, copier privileges, and access to Parks Library.

The Fellow will receive a salary of $35,000, a travel budget of $2,500,
fringe benefits, and funds for materials and supplies. The fellowship period
is at least one year; renewal for additional years is possible.

The selection committee will consist of members of the Bioethics Program,
the Biotechnology Program, the and the Philosophy and Religious Studies
Department. Applicants will be evaluated on the basis of the following
considerations:  strength of teaching; the contribution they are likely to
make to curriculum development; significance of the proposed research and
its relevance to the purposes of the Bioethics Program; and likelihood of
future contributions to teaching and writing in this area.

The Fellow will have a doctorate, typically in Philosophy, and cannot be in
the process of completing a dissertation.

How to Apply:

For an application to receive full consideration, applicants need to submit
by the deadline: ·       a curriculum vitae; ·       a statement of no more
than 1500 words describing the applicant's qualifications to teach the
ethics courses and undertake the curriculum development project; ·       a
statement (of no more than 1000 words) describing the applicant's research
interests; ·       an information summary form.

Applicants must also arrange for three letters of reference to be sent
directly to the Bioethics Program by the deadline.

Deadline is December 15, 2001, or until position is filled.

Application materials should be sent to:

Dr. Gary Comstock, Coordinator
Bioethics Program
402 Catt Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-1306
Phone:  515 294-5400
Email:    [log in to unmask]

A copy of this Call for Applications is on-line at:
Iowa State University is an AA/EEO employer.

Dr. Carla Fehr
Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa
50011 <>
(515) 294-2484 (office)
(515) 294-0780 (fax)