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Mandi Caffery <[log in to unmask]>
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UofMN Web Standards <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 4 Apr 2012 11:52:49 -0500
text/plain (1644 bytes) , text/html (2749 bytes)
I like this NextBus idea. It sounds a little like MetroTransit's NextTrip
service, which I use all the time. However, I wouldn't be likely to scan a
QR code to use NextTrip, or any other service. Not only does it take much
longer than typing in a URL, but I'd feel really awkward standing at a bus
trying to scan a QR code. A short URL or an app would be preferred.

Also, I feel the need to include this Tumblr in the QR code usage convo,
though I can't decide if it's helpful insight or just a funny site. Either
way: http://picturesofpeoplescanningqrcodes.tumblr.com.


On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 10:06 AM, Christopher Bongaarts <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> On 4/4/2012 8:37 AM, Layon, Kristofer wrote:
>  I have never, *ever* observed a person scanning a QR code in the
>> wild, despite the codes being quite common.  And this is in a world
>> where you don't need to go walking for more than 10 seconds to
>> encounter someone using their smartphone.  But not to scan QR codes.
>> Just an observation.
> I did it all the time when I first got my smartphone.  Then the novelty
> wore off.
> I still do occasionally, when I find one in an unexpected place.  I
> usually don't bother if it's obvious where it would go.  But the reason why
> has more to do with how long it takes to fire up my barcode reader app than
> anything else.
> --
> %%  Christopher A. Bongaarts   %%  [log in to unmask]          %%
> %%  OIT - Identity Management  %%  http://umn.edu/~cab  %%
> %%  University of Minnesota    %%  +1 (612) 625-1809    %%

Mandi Caffery
Design & Media Coordinator
Office of the Senior Vice President for
Academic Administration, UMN System
110 Morrill Hall | 612-625-0378