Dan Kunitz has very kindly been videotaping these and many of the videos
have been posted on our shiny new website that uses
Also, I haven't discussed it w/ the rest of the committee yet, but I'm very
interested in the recent Google Hangout/YouTube integration as a way to
stream these meetings. Watch for more info in the near future.
On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Karen Anderson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I'm sorry that I miss these meetings. I work at home on Fridays. Do you
> provide notes from these meetings? Thanks.
> Karen Anderson
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Gabe Ormsby <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> Don't forget that our Web Standards meeting, the first one of the
>> academic year, is today!
>> Amanda Costello will present her latest:
>> "I Don't Have Your Ph.D. - Working with Faculty and the Web"
>> How do you make sense of and promote faculty research if you have no
>> background in their subject area, let alone an advanced degree? How
>> can you work with difficult faculty personalities, from the complete
>> technophobe to the extreme early adopter? This session will draw from
>> Amanda’s experience as a web designer and content strategist in the
>> College of Education and Human Development. Learn how to channel your
>> faculty’s expertise into great web content, and build their trust in
>> your knowledge and skills. Bring your questions, triumphs and war
>> stories!
>> The pizza order is going in shortly after 10 a.m., so if you haven't
>> already, PLEASE RSVP at the link below by 10:10 to ensure an adequate
>> supply.
>> Location: 325 Education Sciences Time: As always, food and networking
>> from about 11:30 to noon, then we'll start the presentation.
>> Please RSVP at:
>> http://www.saa.umn.edu/webstandards/register
>> Thanks,
>> Gabe
>> PS: Want to just know the dates, times, places, and subjects of web
>> standards meetings? Try the Google Calendar!
>> http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/umn.edu_sfol0mrk032pitn2imae3f5jls%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic
>> --
>> Gabe Ormsby
>> Web Project Coordinator
>> 612-625-6221
>> Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Administration,
>> University of Minnesota System
>> http://www.academic.umn.edu/system/
Tony Thomas
Web Developer
University of Minnesota
Student Unions & Activities
300 Washington Ave SE, Ste 500
Minneapolis MN 55455
Direct: 612-626-9820
Fax: 612-624-7256
sua.umn.edu <http://www.sua.umn.edu>