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Date: | Wed, 12 Jan 2011 08:27:43 -0600 |
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Hello, all:
I thought the next University of Minnesota Communictors Forum program might
be interesting to you, as well. Feel free to pass this along to anyone who
might be interested.
*Podcasting options: How to choose and how to use them*
Tuesday, January 25
Networking and registration: 3 pm
Program: 3:30 - 4:30 pm
101 Walter Library, East Bank
Jude Higdon, formerly of CLA and now with the College of Pharmacy as
director of innovative learning and academic technology
Amanda Rondeau, director of emerging academic technologies, provost's office
Should I post my videos on the U channel on Youtube or should I use iTunesU?
Are online course materials best delivered on Moodle or iTunesU? When should
I use Mediamill? Each of these tools has its own capabilities, audience and
best uses. If you attended our November program on video production, this
will be a useful follow-on program.
Learn how and when to use these and other podcasting tools for internal and
external communications and course delivery. Learn best practices from two
experts at the U, Jude Higdon and Amanda Rondeau. Amanda is the point person
for itunesU content and Jude has produced numerous podcasts for CLA and now
for the College of Pharmacy.
As always, this program is free to UMCF members; $10 for non-members, $5 for
UMCF members may register at
Non members, register here: <>
Or join the UMCF and attend 10 programs for $40 per year at
*Ann Nordby*
Web Manager
*University of Minnesota | *Extension Center for Youth Development
McNamara Alumni Center
200 Oak Street SE, #270B
Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA
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