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Rachel Lam <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 14 Dec 2011 08:41:08 -0600
text/plain (1767 bytes) , text/html (2749 bytes)
The CFANS theme is a child theme I built based on the Genesis Framework by
StudioPress. (Their base theme is great & they are good at making sure that
Genesis is updated frequently. Nothing has broken after any updates.)
Getting all the divs & php in the right place so that things work properly
isn't that hard.

We use the same theme for a bunch of sites. Site maintainers can insert
their own banner, pick 2- or 3-column templates on a per-page basis, and
pick whether or not they want a horizontal top nav bar as well as something
in the left column.

I'm running a bunch of sites using WordPress multisite. It's a little
quirky and some things take a while to figure out at first, but it's nice
only having to update templates & plugins once and have it apply to a bunch
of sites.

- Rachel

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 8:34 AM, Jeffrey Abuzzahab <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Nice and clean! I like your sites much better than my Twenty Ten mod.
> Did you build the theme from the ground up? If yes:
> Did you run into any problems using your own HTML? Did WP ever try looking
> for a div that was missing, or if you get the PHP in the right place you
> are good to go!
> Do version upgrades to WP impact your theme?
> Is the same theme used for all three sites? Is a parent-child theme method
> used.
> This is great inspiration! I think WP is going to be a seamless part of
> our web systems. Thanks for sharing!
> -Jeff
> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 3:36 PM, Rachel Lam <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> I've made a variation of the UofM template that we're using in CFANS.
>> a couple live sites:
>> http://canolaresearch.horticulture.umn.edu/
>> http://enology.umn.edu/
>> http://fpmdi.bbe.umn.edu/
>> I'm happy to talk about it with anyone who is interested.
>> - Rachel