UofMN Web Standards


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Kristofer Layon <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
UofMN CSS Web Development <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 5 Feb 2010 13:49:51 -0600
text/plain (1638 bytes) , text/html (7 kB)
Hello web folks,

A few updates:

1.  Our next meeting: is Thu. February 18 and is turning out to have a  
Middle Eastern theme of sorts. How is that, you might wonder? The  
first reason is, those of us on the Minneapolis campus will need to  
take the bus east to the St. Paul campus this month, where we will be  
meeting in 105 Cargill.  Which is kind of in the middle of that  
campus, on the eastern edge...

Also, food is prohibited in this room, so pizza will not be provided.   
But our colleague Gabe Ormsby has suggested that in lieu of lunch  
during the meeting, people who want to get together for lunch after  
the meeting could meet at Mim's on Cleveland Ave, across from campus,  
which is home to some great Middle Eastern food.  (the best falafel in  
the Twin Cities, I would submit)

2.  Central web hosting: please note that Chris Ament, Chris  
Bongaarts, and Patton Fast from OIT (who attended last month's  
meeting) are now on this mailing list, and welcome any additional  
comments or discussions about ideas for central web hosting. There is  
also a UM net-people meeting on Feb 11 in 402 Walter, where web  
hosting has been scheduled to be discussion at 10:40.

3.  Topics?  Please submit topic suggestions for the Feb. 18 meeting  
to the list.



P.S. - Last reminder: MinneWebCon breakout session proposals are due  
today at 5:00 p.m.!

Kristofer D. Layon
Director of Web Design & Online Collaboration
612.624.4545  :  [log in to unmask]  :  http://blog.lib.umn.edu/layo0002/work/
- - - - - -
Office of the Senior Vice President for System Academic Administration
University of Minnesota Twin Cities