Wed, 27 Jan 2010 15:41:37 -0600
Good point, Sara. Makes me curious about what kinds of ideas our
Content Strategy keynote speaker is going to have MinneWebCon. And I
say that honestly, not as a plug. It's a huge issue that isn't very
well solved.
Sara Hurley wrote:
> I have sort of a practical question about this (not disagreeing with
> either of you on this, and the usefulness of this, and not wanting to be
> a downer) -
> What content do we collaborate on? Who makes the decision? What staff is
> responsible for coordinating efforts? Who owns the content?
> I know that isn't the fun stuff to think about, but it's one of the
> things that stands in the way of system-wide stuff. And as someone who
> has recently been a part of a college-wide web integration, managing
> that kind of content integration is really, really tough. Especially
> when non-tech stakeholders get involved in protecting "their" content.
> S
> Brian Hayden wrote:
>> On Jan 27, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Zachary Johnson wrote:
>>> Valid point... and to support what both you and Andre have said,
>>> maybe we need the opportunity to setup landing pages for relevant
>>> content more automatically...
>>> could bring users to a page with important content and
>>> links to other UMN sites for more details.
>>> something like that?
>> I think that'd be fantastic.
>> Here's a hackish thought for you... there could be UMN wiki pages that
>> are just aggregators of links around the U for specific topics... and
>> each of these could have a short url, like...
>> ...
>> Sorry, my inner Rube Goldberg took over for a second. ;)
>> -Brian
Zachary Johnson * Web Manager
Student Unions & Activities
(612) 624 - 7270