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Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 13:33:34 -0600
Reply-To: UofMN CSS Web Development <[log in to unmask]>
From: Sam Gaard <[log in to unmask]>
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Here are the stats for Northrop.

iPhone		01.03%
iPod		00.23%
Andoid		00.08%
BlackBerry	00.06%

Firefox	29.90%
IE		51.98%
Safari	14.74%
Chrome	02.45%
Opera	00.32%

Firefox 3.5+ 38.76% (of Firefox users were on 3.5+)

These are percentages of what version of IE is being used by IE users:
IE 8 	30.63%
IE 7 	48.21%
IE 6 	21.13
IE 5.5 	00.04%

Sam Gaard | Web Manager | Northrop
University of Minnesota
612-735-6968 | [log in to unmask]