May 2010


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UofMN CSS Web Development <[log in to unmask]>
Christian Dinger <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 3 May 2010 16:07:04 -0500
UofMN CSS Web Development <[log in to unmask]>
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On our Windows machines, we've had success with Msysgit:
http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/  It's light weight and easy to install and

For those that prefer not to use the command line, all standard Git installs
include git-gui, but it's certainly not pretty. If you use a Mac, there are
some great free graphical Git interfaces like Gitx: http://gitx.frim.nl/

There does appear to be a TortoiseGit project out there too, but I've never
tried it: http://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/


On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Michael Berkowski <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Maybe this has changed in the last 9mo or so, but when last I checked it
> was somewhat difficult to get Windows to speak git, with dependencies on
> Cygwin.  That's a large hurdle for console-averse users when you can get
> full GUI Subversion integration with TortoiseSVN.
> +++++++++++++++++
> Michael Berkowski
> Minitex  / MnLINK Linux Systems Administrator and Programmer
> University of Minnesota
> 612.625.8736
> [log in to unmask]
> PGP Public key:
> http://www.tc.umn.edu/~berk0081/pgp/pubkey.asc<http://www.tc.umn.edu/%7Eberk0081/pgp/pubkey.asc>
> +++++++++++++++++
> On 5/3/2010 3:26 PM, Aaron J. Zirbes wrote:
> > Christian,
> >
> > I was unaware that Git spoke SVN, but that being the case I can get
> > behind Git as well.  I just mentioned SVN due to DreamWeaver having
> > built-in support and I know many web developers use it, myself excluded.
> > I'd rather have a server that speaks Git and SVN as well as it is much
> > more open.
> >
> > Does anyone know who is responsible for deciding what services OIT
> > provides?  Who would we talk to?  Should we send a request to our
> > Schools IT Director?
> >
> > --
> > Aaron
> >
> > Christian Dinger wrote:
> >> Hi Aaron,
> >>
> >> I couldn't agree more. The ASR web team uses Git (we moved from
> >> Subversion a few years ago), but we'd love to see a centralized source
> >> code hosting service from OIT. Not only does it make good security
> >> sense, but I think it'd also provide a mechanism for
> >> inter-departmental collaboration. Just think of things like CAH
> >> authentication code and how hard it is sometimes to track down source
> >> code and authors to contribute changes/patches.
> >>
> >> I've mentioned this idea a while ago to Patton Fast, who runs the OIA
> >> server team at OIT and he seemed into it. I think we just have to
> >> speak up and demonstrate that there is a demand for a service like this.
> >>
> >> I also absolutely agree with Garrett about Git. In a collaborative
> >> environment, it's superior. Git also has web more capable front-ends
> >> like GitHub and Gitorious that handle collaboration very elegantly.
> >>
> >> In fact, Gitorious is open-source and free. I think it would be such
> >> an quick and easy win for OIT to set up an instance of Gitorious. Then
> >> the we the developers could manage our own repositories and access; it
> >> would be minimal work for OIT.
> >>
> >> Would you all be into something like this? Patton, are you on this list?
> >>
> >> Chris
> >>
> >> PS - Git also 'talks Subversion' and moving between the two is
> >> ridiculously simple.
> >>
> >> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 10:26 AM, Aaron J. Zirbes <[log in to unmask]
> >> <mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
> >>
> >>     U of MN Developers,
> >>
> >>     Is there anyone (besides me) out there on the list that feels that a
> >>     common-good SVN service would be a good idea?  Bad idea?  Not sure?
> >>
> >>     As a web, application and systems developer I feel that I couldn't
> >>     do my
> >>     job with out a proper revision control system (RCS).  It gives me a
> >>     giant UNDO button for all of my projects to any commit point in
> time.
> >>     It forces me to comment all my changes.  It gives me the confidence
> I
> >>     need to make sweeping changes to a system without the worry of
> >>     "how do I
> >>     undo this?"
> >>
> >>     Using SVN has become almost trivial as most development platforms
> >>     (Adobe
> >>     Dreamweaver included) support SVN out of the box.
> >>
> >>     We run our own subversion (SVN) server at EnHS for our department's
> >>     needs, but I'd be willing to guess that most departments do not.
> >>
> >>     I know not all departments are large enough to support their own SVN
> >>     server, but I feel that any one who isn't using some sort of RCS in
> >>     their web development is suffering because of it.  It is putting
> >>     developers and their work at too much risk.  I think that all
> >>     developers
> >>     at the U should have access to SVN, but for that to happen, U of MN
> >>     central would have to set it up as a common-good service.
> >>
> >>     --
> >>     Aaron
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Christian Dinger
> >> Academic Support Resources
> >> University of Minnesota
> >> 612-625-6031

Christian Dinger
Academic Support Resources
University of Minnesota