January 2011


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Sun, 23 Jan 2011 17:57:03 +1300
Confocal Microscopy List <[log in to unmask]>
Mark Cannell <[log in to unmask]>
Confocal Microscopy List <[log in to unmask]>
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Hi George.

The hybrid device in question is most certainly a hybrid photocathode/  
APD. Look at Fig. 1. (without it a single stage vacuum photodiode does  
not have enough gain).

Cheers Mark

Regrds Mark
On 23/01/2011, at 12:32 PM, George McNamara wrote:

> *****
> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
> *****
> Hi Jim,
> If we had lots of light, there would be no reason to be looking at  
> new detectors.
> With respect to 1, Fukasawa's Fig 3 shows GaAsP QD ~40% from 400 to  
> almost 700 nm (and "zero" above 750 nm - another plus with respect  
> to multiphoton excitation). Fukasawa and two coauthors are at  
> Hamamatsu - I am guessing they know how to measure QE.
> With respect to 2a, no dynode on the hybrid detector. So, no  
> multiplicative noise. The device is also NOT an APD.
> As for stain (fluorophore) levels - hopefully new detectors (hybrid  
> or other) will enable better use of direct labeled antibodies (or  
> antibody surrogates - see PubMed 20674470 if curious) and/or  
> fluorescent protein fusions expressed from endogenous promoters  
> instead of massive overexpression. This would enable better  
> quantitation of the amount of target molecules (simplest to achieve  
> by countign single molecules). If researchers start cutting back on  
> fluorescent-phalloidin and DAPI, Invitrogen will respond by changing  
> to single use aliquots and shift their profit making division from  
> chemistry to packaging.
> I encourage you to read Wolfgang's article. The Fukasawa and  
> Michalet articles were also nice reading.
> Sincerely,
> George
> On 1/22/2011 5:24 PM, James Pawley wrote:
>> *****
>> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
>> *****
>>> *****
>>> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
>>> *****
>>> Before people get too carried away with these hybrid devices,  
>>> detectors with APDs are non-linear at higher light levels. For  
>>> confocal with (say) a 1 us dwell time this means you must arrange  
>>> to have <10 photons per pixel. A second issue is gain loss with  
>>> age in APDs although with most of the gain being provided by the  
>>> cathode-APD acceleration voltage this may be less of an issue.  
>>> This count rate limit may be overcome with array APDs but they  
>>> introduce a loss of quantum efficiency and 'after pulsing' . I  
>>> guess what I am saying  is  be careful in detector selection, they  
>>> all have +/- points. But the improvement in QE for the new  
>>> photocathodes is impressive (albeit at much higher dark count  
>>> rates) .
>>> Cheers Mark
>> Hi all,
>> I echo Mark's cautions. There are long discussions of these matters  
>> in Chapter 12 and Appendix 3 of the Handbook. With respect to the  
>> URL Mark sent out, ultra bialkali with a maximum QE of about 43%  
>> looks very good BUT:
>> 1) It occurs at a wavelength of 350 nm, well into the near UV where  
>> we really seldom have need for a detector in confocal-type  
>> micrsocopy.
>> 2) Although no details are given, there is no indication of how  
>> these curves were measured. However, it is common to make such  
>> measurements in terms of the current in nA leaving the photocathode  
>> when a known flux of photons in a given narrow wavelength band  
>> strikes it. The ratio of the number of electrons/s in the current  
>> to the photons/s in the light is the QE.
>> This sound good but:
>>    a) Not all photoelectrons leaving the PC, actually strike the  
>> first dynode. The 20-30% that do not, fail to multiply and this  
>> represents a direct proportional loss of QE
>>    b) Not all of the PE that strike the first dynode actually  
>> produce secondary electrons. Partially this is just due to Poisson  
>> noise: if the average first stage gain is only say, 3, then for  
>> about 10% of arriving PEs, it will be zero. It is actually more  
>> complex than this and different parts of Dynode are likely to have  
>> different SE coefficients. Again this lost signal reduces the  
>> effective QE.
>>    c) Such QE curves usually represent the best that can be  
>> obtained. However, as the PC must be evaporated onto the inside of  
>> the glass after each end-window tube has been evacuated and pinched  
>> off, there is considerable variation in the thickness and even the  
>> detailed atomic makeup of this film (and hence it's QE: thicker PCs  
>> will have higher QE in the red, lower in the blue). Even selected  
>> tubes may have a QE 20% lower than the published specs (i.e., maybe  
>> 37% rather than 43%) and  unselected tubes can be as much as 50%  
>> less.
>> And then there is the matter of multiplicative noise. Even on the  
>> best tubes set up in the best way, (usually obtainable only when   
>> voltage between the PC and Dynode 1 is 5-10x higher than that  
>> between the other sets of dynodes) this adds 20% to the Poisson  
>> noise, and can only be "compensated for" by using 40% more signal  
>> in the first place (Because Poisson Noise is proportional to the  
>> sqrt of the signal, to improve the S/N by a factor of 2, you must  
>> increase the signal by a factor of 4). In other words, the signal  
>> out the back of the PMT acts as though the QE is only about 70% of  
>> what it would have been after taking into account all of the  
>> processes listed above.
>> Multiplicative noise can be substantially eliminated by using pulse- 
>> counting circuitry, but as Mark notes, pulse-counting tends to  
>> saturate at the signal rates common in confocal microscopy (i.e.,  
>> the levels recorded in the brightest parts of the image, (where the  
>> dye is) will be less than they should be, perhaps much less.)
>> The reason for this tedious detail is that the "QE" performance of  
>> avalanche photodiodes is not usually measured in the same way (The  
>> exception being so called linear-APDs). APDs have so much  
>> multiplicative noise (and lost signal from PE that don't avalanche)  
>> that they are almost always used in a pulse-counting mode. As a  
>> result, the "QE" performance of pulse-counting units is usually  
>> measured in terms of Photon Detection Efficiency  (PDE, there are  
>> other terms). A PDE of 30% means that 30% of the photons of a given  
>> wavelength that strike the detector will give exactly one count in  
>> your image memory. Clearly a PDE of 30% can give you a far more  
>> accurate measure of the signal related to a given pixel than one  
>> would get using a PMT having a raw QE of 30% but which is then  
>> subject to all the other problems noted above.
>> But as Mark says, because APDs have to count pulses, they are just  
>> not yet suitable for "normal" confocal, where stain levels and  
>> other variables mean that we are often surprised by higher signals  
>> than can be handled by the counting circuits.
>> Finally, the Subject line of this theme talks about GaAsPMTs (but I  
>> could not find the first post). GaAsPMTs are interesting because  
>> their high-QE performance extents far into the red. Unfortunately,  
>> this performance relies on being able to create a PE using a low- 
>> energy photons which in turn implies very dark current unless the  
>> PC is either very small or is cooled (or both)
>> Cheers,
>> Jim Pawley
>> ***************************************************************************
>> Prof. James B. Pawley,                Ph.   
>> 608-238-3953                             21. N. Prospect Ave.  
>> Madison, WI 53726 USA [log in to unmask]
>> 3D Microscopy of Living Cells Course, June 11-23, 2011, UBC,  
>> Vancouver Canada
>> Info:        Applications due by March  
>> 15, 2011
>>           "If it ain't diffraction, it must be statistics." Anon.
>>> On 23/01/2011, at 1:59 AM, George McNamara wrote:
>>>> *****
>>>> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
>>>> *****
>>>> Hi Tom,
>>>> See  see Wolfgang's MRT article at
>>>> (pdf page 6 -  
>>>> much larger area than an APD results in somewhat higher photon  
>>>> counts ... so much for simple QE curves! Example is from a  
>>>> confocal microscope operate with 3 Airy Unit pinhole - difference  
>>>> may be even bigger with MP excitation and non-descanned detection).
>>>>  (pdf page 8, bottom half)
>>>> If you have or are thinking of getting a Leica confocal,  
>>>> multiphoton, and/or STED, ask your Leica rep for info on the HyD  
>>>> detectors - available internally on the SP5, or NDD for MP, or on  
>>>> the X1 port (X1 usually uses APD's).
>>>> Enjoy,
>>>> George
>>>> On 1/21/2011 5:54 PM, Phillips, Thomas E. wrote:
>>>>> *****
>>>>> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
>>>>> *****
>>>>> While searching the confocal archive about GaAsP PMTs, I came  
>>>>> across Jim Pawley's authoritative discussion (appended below but  
>>>>> note that I took the liberty of highlighting one sentence in  
>>>>> red) of why the real world QE of these PMTs might not really be  
>>>>> 40% but I was left wondering just how much better are they than  
>>>>> the conventional PMTs on a Zeiss or Leica confocal? Jim says  
>>>>> they are "much better than that of the more common S-20  
>>>>> photocathode" . Is the ballpark sensitivity of a GaAsP unit  
>>>>> about 2x higher? I would appreciate any insights or comments  
>>>>> about the usefulness and limitations of these new detectors in  
>>>>> core facilities. Tom
>>>>> Thomas E. Phillips, Ph.D
>>>>> Professor of Biological Sciences
>>>>> Director, Molecular Cytology Core
>>>>> 2 Tucker Hall
>>>>> University of Missouri
>>>>> Columbia, MO 65211-7400
>>>>> 573-882-4712 (office)
>>>>> 573-882-0123 (fax)
>>>>> [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: James Pawley<[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
>>>>> Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 11:58 am
>>>>> Subject: Re: Zeiss or Olympus
>>>>> To: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask] 
>>>>> >
>>>>>> Just to clarify, the 780 has a GaAsP (Gallium Arsenite  
>>>>>> Phosphate) detector, not GaAs, the difference in quantum  
>>>>>> efficiency can be seen e.g. in the Webb multiphoton review  
>>>>>> (Nature Biotechnology 2003, 21, 1369). The drawback is that  
>>>>>> GaAsP QE drops dramatically for wavelength>  700 nm, but they  
>>>>>> put a normal PMTs as the two additional channels on the 780, to  
>>>>>> cover the extended range. By the way GaAsP detectors are PMTs  
>>>>>> as well, it is just a different material of the photocathode,  
>>>>>> afterwards the photoelectrons are multiplied in the same way.  
>>>>>> GaAsP detectors reach 40% quantum efficiency which is about  
>>>>>> twice as sensitive as a normal PMT. APDs have 60-70% and a back- 
>>>>>> thinned CCD about 90%., so still a lot of signal is thrown  
>>>>>> away, not to mention the losses on the way to the detector.
>>>>>> Andreas
>>>>>> Indeed, the GaAs and GaAs phosphide QE curves are very  
>>>>>> impressive. However, it is important to remember what is  
>>>>>> actually measured to make these curves. PMT curves refer to the  
>>>>>> fraction of photons striking the photocathode that produce  
>>>>>> photoelectrons (It is usually measured by allowing a calibrated  
>>>>>> amount of light to strike the photocathode and using a nano- 
>>>>>> ammeter to sense the total photoelectron current between the  
>>>>>> photocathode and all the other electrodes in the PMT). However,  
>>>>>> depending on the electrode geometry, 10-30% of these  
>>>>>> photoelectrons don't actually hit the first dynode (D1), and  
>>>>>> therefore do not contribute to the PMT output.
>>>>>> Of those photoelectrons that do hit D1, a reasonable fraction  
>>>>>> fail to excite any secondary electrons, and again, do not  
>>>>>> contribute to the PMT output. There are many reasons for this  
>>>>>> but one is just Poisson statistics. If the average gain is say  
>>>>>> 4, then about 8% of the collisions will result in zero  
>>>>>> electrons being emitted. However, this effect is again  
>>>>>> multiplied by geometrical factors where SE produced in  
>>>>>> different parts of D1 have better or worse chances of actually  
>>>>>> striking D2 and producing a SE. Signal loss in this way depends  
>>>>>> a lot on the actual voltage between the photocathode and D1: it  
>>>>>> will be less when the voltage is higher. Unfortunately, few  
>>>>>> confocals seem to have been set up in such way that this is  
>>>>>> always true. On average signal loss by failure to propagate  
>>>>>> after collision with D1 will be an additional 20-40%.
>>>>>> Finally, the same type of Poisson effects that cause some  
>>>>>> signal to be lost entirely, cause the amount by which the  
>>>>>> remainder is amplified to be highly variable (10-90%). This  
>>>>>> variation degrades the accuracy of the output signal by  
>>>>>> introducing what is called multiplicative noise. Because this  
>>>>>> extra noise can only be "overcome" by counting more photons,  
>>>>>> its presence effectively reduces the effective QE of the  
>>>>>> device. In the best case, this reduction is about 40% and in  
>>>>>> the worst case (an exponential gain distribution, approximated  
>>>>>> by some micro PMTs) 75% (i.e., the QE is reduced to 60% or 25%  
>>>>>> of what it would have been if all photoelectrons were equally  
>>>>>> amplified).
>>>>>> As a result, while the peak effective QE of a PMT with a GaAs  
>>>>>> or GaAsP photocathode is indeed much better than that of the  
>>>>>> more common S-20 photocathode, in terms of its effectiveness in  
>>>>>> providing an output current that is proportional to the input  
>>>>>> photon signal, the QE is more in the range of 3 -10% (depending  
>>>>>> on dynode geometry and first-dynode voltage) than 40%. (The 60%  
>>>>>> numbers are for APDs rather than for a GaAs or GaAsP  
>>>>>> photocathode on a PMT.)
>>>>>> The performance can be improved somewhat on the few confocals  
>>>>>> that allow single-photon counting as this procedure eliminates  
>>>>>> multiplicative noise. (see below about the limitations imposed  
>>>>>> by photon counting)
>>>>>> This tedious recital is I hope  justified by noting that, at  
>>>>>> least when EG&G was the major APD supplier, APD performance was  
>>>>>> not specified in terms of QE but as Photon Detection Efficiency  
>>>>>> (PDE). Although APDs can be operated in a low gain,  
>>>>>> proportional mode, their PDE under these conditions is very low  
>>>>>> (because APD multiplicative noise is very high and at low (non- 
>>>>>> avalanche breakdown) gain, by far the most likely gain of the  
>>>>>> initial photoelectron is zero).
>>>>>> Therefore, high PDE (or high QE) AOD units tend to operate at  
>>>>>> high bias (high, avalanche gain) and this requires circuitry to  
>>>>>> quench the avalanche breakdown and count the single-photon  
>>>>>> pulses. Modern units contain both the sensor itself and the  
>>>>>> pulse counting and avalanche quenching circuits needed for  
>>>>>> counting the single-photon pulses. In other words (assuming  
>>>>>> that Hamamatsu follows the EG&G precedent), their QE figures  
>>>>>> for single-photon counting units already include any losses for  
>>>>>> non-propagation or multiplicative noise. Therefore, a quoted  
>>>>>> PID of 60% really does mean that 60% of the photons (of the  
>>>>>> specified wavelength) that strike the center of the active  
>>>>>> surface will be accurately counted.
>>>>>> This is about 4-10x better than the performance of a similar  
>>>>>> GaAs or GaAsP photocathode on a PMT.
>>>>>> This good news is tempered by the fact that, because of the  
>>>>>> high capacitance of the AOD itself, it is hard to count much  
>>>>>> faster than, say 30MHz. As 30MHz comes out to an absolute  
>>>>>> maximum of 60 counts during a 2 µs pixel, this means that at  
>>>>>> least 50% of your counts will be lost due to pulse pileup when  
>>>>>> 30 counts arrive per pixel and 10% will be lost at only 6  
>>>>>> counts/pixel. In other words one has to be very careful to  
>>>>>> adjust the excitation intensity so as not to "clip" the  
>>>>>> brightness of those parts of the image that contain a lot of  
>>>>>> fluorophor.
>>>>>> Lots more on this in The Handbook,
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Jim Pawley
>>>>>>              **********************************************
>>>>>> Prof. James B. Pawley,                                           
>>>>>> Ph.  608-263-3147
>>>>>> Room 223, Zoology Research Building, FAX  608-265-5315
>>>>>> 1117 Johnson Ave., Madison, WI, 53706 [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask] 
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> 3D Microscopy of Living Cells Course, June 12-24, 2010, UBC,  
>>>>>> Vancouver Canada
>>>>>> Info: Applications due by March 15,  
>>>>>> 2010
>>>>>>               "If it ain't diffraction, it must be statistics."  
>>>>>> Anon.
>>>>> Thomas E. Phillips, Ph.D
>>>>> Professor of Biological Sciences
>>>>> Director, Molecular Cytology Core
>>>>> 2 Tucker Hall
>>>>> University of Missouri
>>>>> Columbia, MO 65211-7400
>>>>> 573-882-4712 (office)
>>>>> 573-882-0123 (fax)
>>>>> [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> -- 
> George McNamara, PhD
> Analytical Imaging Core Facility
> University of Miami