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Chris Young <[log in to unmask]>
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Wed, 19 May 1999 16:00:05 -0700
text/plain (17 lines)
Peter Mickulas wrote:  [Note:  Please respond to
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> Can anyone suggest URLs at which some good primary sources dealing with the history of 19th c American science and/or exploration can be found?
> I am a PTL at RUtgers -Newark this summer and have in mind for my US survey course (1600-1877) a somewhat modified version of the web-based project that Carl Schulkin describes in the Feb. 1999 issue of the AHA newsletter  _Perspectives_.  (He assigns students a semester-long project through which they are exposed to primary research --using web-based resources found primarily at UVA's Valley of the Shadow website -- and are thus forced to become familiar with the Web as more than a commerical attraction.)
> In a preliminary search, I've come across a slew of sites (personal, commercial, and --perhaps-- academic) dealing with the Lewis and Clark expedition, for example, but want to know if there are any reputable sites out there that are perhaps analogous to the Valley of the Shadow project (which deals with antebellum and Civil War-era social history) but with a focus instead on primary documents in the history of American exploration.
> Thanks,
> --
> Peter Mickulas
> Department of History
> Rutgers University
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