TRB Congestion Pricing Committee Members


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Lee Munnich Jr <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 17 Jun 2014 10:01:09 -0500
Thoughts on this?  Lee

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Norman, Mark <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 8:29 AM
Subject: TRB Standing Committees Opportunities: Invite a Nontraditional
Stakeholder to 2015 TRB Annual Meeting; Nominations for Blue Ribbon
Committee Awards
To: "Norman, Mark" <[log in to unmask]>

TO: Chairs of TRB Standing Committees and Task Forces

TRB and its Technical Activities Council (TAC) are pleased to again offer
each TRB standing committee Chair the opportunity to invite one
nontraditional stakeholder to participate in your committee’s activities
during the 94th TRB Annual Meeting, January 11–15, 2015, in Washington,
D.C. TRB will provide a complimentary meeting registration for one
nontraditional stakeholder per standing committee. The deadline for
submitting the information on your nontraditional stakeholder is *October

The individual you designate as your committee’s nontraditional stakeholder
should agree to play one or more of the following roles at the TRB Annual

·         Serve as a presider, speaker, or panelist at one or more lectern
sessions sponsored by your committee during the meeting;

·         Participate in a conversation with your committee’s members as
part of your committee agenda during the Annual Meeting; or

·         Participate in a number of planned discussions with your
subcommittees, working groups, or other small groups organized under the
auspices of your committee.

The attachment includes more information on this initiative, along with a
link for submitting the information on your nontraditional stakeholder.

Also attached is a description of the TRB Technical Activities Council Blue
Ribbon Committees Awards program. Each Section/Group may nominate one or
more of their committees in each of the four categories. Nominations are
due by September 15th. Committee Chairs should therefore contact the Chair
of their Section (or Group if your Group has no Section) before that time
if you wish to be considered for a nomination.

We hope your committee will take advantage of these opportunities. Please
feel free to contact your TRB staff representative if you have any

Thank you again for all that you do for TRB and for the transportation



Mark R. Norman

Director, Technical Activities Division

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*TRB 94th Annual Meeting - January 11-15, 2015Walter E. Washington
Convention Center*

TRB website:


Lee W. Munnich, Jr.
Senior Fellow and Director
State and Local Policy Program
Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs
University of Minnesota
295H Humphrey Center
301-19th Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 625-7357
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