After emailing my initial findings about this to the list, I received
an email from Greg Miller. Apparently I referenced the wrong policy.
See the correct information below.
Kathy -
Good morning!
Someone forwarded your email to the Communicator 's Forum to me. Yes,
I am the appropriate person to assist the University Community with
their payment card processes. Unfortunately, the procedure you
referenced at
is not current.
The correct location for the policy is:
and the related procedures are at:
Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions.
On Apr 5, 2011, at 9:38 AM, Amber Bailey wrote:
> Thanks Kathy for the response :) Someone else told me to contact
> Greg...and I did last week. He seems like a very nice and helpful
> person...hoping to get a solution.
> -amber :)
> Amber L. Bailey
> Associate Program Director
> E-Communications Manager
> University of Minnesota, Crookston
> 2900 University Ave
> 139 Kiehle Building
> Crookston, MN 56716
> 218-281-8379
> 800-UMC-MINN ext. 8379
> 218-281-8440 (fax)
> [log in to unmask]
> Small Campus. Big Degree.
> On 4/5/2011 8:56 AM, Kathy Jensen wrote:
>> U Relations has been asked this question from time to time, so I
>> thought I'd try to track down the answer for you.
>> I emailed OIT Security and was told the following:
>>> The first stop for anyone considering or changing methods of
>>> accepting credit cards should be the University Payment Card
>>> Compliance Office.
>>> Here is their web page with contact info:
>>> Once the process has been approved by the University Payment Card
>>> Compliance Office, the University Payment Card Compliance Office
>>> notifies OIT Security if credit card information will be
>>> transmitted, processed, or stored using the University Internet.
>> The policy that is referenced on this website can be found here:
>> I realize that this may not be a complete solution, but perhaps the
>> contact person for payment card compliance would have some
>> suggestions - Greg Miller, [log in to unmask]
>> Kathy
>> On Mar 31, 2011, at 8:57 AM, Amber Bailey wrote:
>>> ...sorry for the cross posting to multiple lists...
>>> Does anyone know if there is a central University service that can
>>> help us sell an item online for an athletic fundraiser...and that
>>> can take online credit card payments? We'd rather not have our
>>> buyers fill out simple online order form and then have to
>>> (separately) send in a check, cash or call our UMC Business Office
>>> with a credit card number (which we've had to do in the past).
>>> If not, does anyone know if it's against University policy to set
>>> up a PayPal account and embed the "buy now" button on the page to
>>> take an online credit card payment? I'm considering the "standard"
>>> plan here:
>>> Or this there another option I should consider?
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> -amber :)
>>> --
>>> Amber L. Bailey
>>> Associate Program Director
>>> E-Communications Manager
>>> University of Minnesota, Crookston
>>> 2900 University Ave
>>> 139 Kiehle Building
>>> Crookston, MN 56716
>>> 218-281-8379
>>> 800-UMC-MINN ext. 8379
>>> 218-281-8440 (fax)
>>> [log in to unmask]
>>> Small Campus. Big Degree.
>> ____________________________________
>> Kathy Jensen
>> Web Developer
>> University Relations
>> University of Minnesota
>> 612-624-5808
>> [log in to unmask]
Kathy Jensen
Web Developer
University Relations
University of Minnesota
[log in to unmask]