TRB Congestion Pricing Committee Members


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"Ungemah, David" <[log in to unmask]>
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Ungemah, David
Thu, 14 Aug 2014 16:13:04 +0000
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Friends and Members of ABE25:

At our summer meeting last month, we discussed the transition of the official Friends and Members lists to the MyTRB portal that has been set up by TRB.  Commencing with the start of 2015, we will transition to MyTRB as our primary communication portal.  As such, if you wish to continue to receive emails from the Congestion Pricing Committee, please complete the following steps.  This should not require more than 2 - 3 minutes of your time to complete.

1)      Go to

2)      Sign in, or, register an account with TRB.

3)      Once you are into the main screen, which should state "MyTRB Portal", click on "Committees" in the main menu bar.

4)      View your current member / friend status at "My Committees".  If ABE25 is not in your list, please add yourself by clicking on "Become a Friend of the Committee".

5)      That's it!

More information on this process is provided, below.  Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you!


David H. Ungemah
Assistant Vice President
National Managed Lanes Practice Director

Parsons Brinckerhoff
555 17th Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202
720.837.1522 (office + mobile)

[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]><>

Dear Friend of the TRB Standing Committee on Congestion Pricing,
Thank you for your participation as a Friend of our committee. Management of a committee's Friends list will now be a function performed by chairs through TRB's new, self service portal called "MyTRB."  The goal of MyTRB is to centralize the functionalities that TRB volunteers and Friends need to carry out their roles within TRB.
Therefore, if you would like to continue to participate as a Friend of the Standing Committee on Congestion Pricing, you must read and follow the instructions included in this note.  Failure to do so will mean that you will no longer be included on the committee's list of Friends.
MyTRB Help Desk
To help users and to identify ways to enhance the new system, TRB has opened a MyTRB help desk.  The help desk can be reached by phone at 202-334-1738 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET Monday to Friday. The help desk can also be reached at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.  If at any time you run into difficulty with the system, please contact the MyTRB helpdesk.
To Continue to Be a Friend of the Committee
There are two steps that you must take in order to ensure that you continue to be a Friend of the committee.
1)      MyTRB New User Signup
TRB imported information from its old volunteer database into MyTRB.  Therefore, there is the potential that a profile for you may already be in the MyTRB system.
Go to<> and follow the "New Users Signup" process.
If a profile already exists for you in the system, you will receive an email that will allow you to create your password.  If no profile exists in MyTRB that matches the email you have provided, you will be prompted to create a profile.
To help avoid confusion, please use your official e-mail address since benefits and access to certain features is keyed, in part, off your email.
If you believe the profile TRB has for you on file may be linked to an old e-mail address that you no longer have access to, please contact the MyTRB help desk with both the old and new e-mail addresses.  Wait for a response from the help desk before attempting to login for the first time.
Once in MyTRB, please take a moment to ensure that your profile is up-to-date. Navigation within MyTRB is controlled by the links that appear in the gray bar below the burgundy TRB header on the website.  To view your existing profile, hover over "My Account" and then click on "Edit Profile."
2)      Linking Yourself as a Friend of a Committee
After logging in to MyTRB, access to the "Become a Friend of a Committee" page is available under the "Committee" dropdown.  Locate the name of the committee you would like to become a Friend of and click "submit."
You may "Friend" as many committees as you like.
TRB has created a short video demonstrating this process that is available at
Subsequent Logins
For subsequent logins, please bookmark<>.  A link to MyTRB will be made from TRB's main website in subsequent weeks.
MyTRB's Basic Features
MyTRB will allow you to do the following: maintain your own contact information and profile; nominate yourself as a Friend of a committee or task force; manage your publication subscriptions; accept invitations to join standing committees and task forces; and purchase TRB publications.
 Thank you and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or call the MyTRB help desk at 202-334-1738.

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